She made the appropriate responses as tears coursed down her face.

READ MORE - She made the appropriate responses as tears coursed down her face.

It echoes with a finality.

All this mayhem is drivng me insane.I can no longer take it, no longer stand it.Bury the anger, an oncoming he...
READ MORE - It echoes with a finality.


It's like months since I do my walks across the beach. Thr's something about the stretch of sand, it seems to clear my mind on life's issues & relaxes me. Nth beats the feel of hearing the crash of waves & speeding on the cycling tracks. It kinds of give a surge of happiness without much effort. Just by the simple sounds of waves, it's one of the most beautiful things in the world. I realised a lot of things whn I am here in my sanctuary, reflecting on all the ups & downs of life. I...
READ MORE - Overexcited.