We did not speak in volumes, but with quiet mouths that were infant-like.

They say the truth is but a shard of glass. Although I've already known the truth, I cannot touch the handle, for hearing it will only dig me deeper. I've forgotten to watch out for the reality. Humans aren’t worth of trust when they have gotten all they want from you, they’ll scrub you off them like a crust & let you heal in a fleeting moment. I wish I'd still be naive enough to believe in such fairytales. I have come a long way, with how much longer still to go? Who knows but maybe, I'm just...
READ MORE - We did not speak in volumes, but with quiet mouths that were infant-like.

We've broken daydreaming trances & all those starshot musings.

My heart dangles by a thread, like a game of hangman. As you determine my fate, by guessing games.I chased away her pain with my hands, following it into the astral world of her secret dreams. We're broken & to be pawned & sold for parts. We're whole in our fractures, we're full of hollows & hot air. There's an air of regret & a bitter taste of gin & overripe memories. My smile is still slipping to one side & my knock-off heart is cracking.I'm just a paper saleswoman, trying...
READ MORE - We've broken daydreaming trances & all those starshot musings.

Chipping away at my faltering heart.

I was left dejected & crumpled like my note on the greasy floor of your rubber car mat. I'm just a silly girl who thinks that quicker breaths & facet water will make my eyes believe that they are sad enough to shed a tear, or three or fortysix or sevenhundred&ninetytwo - whatever would be the exact amount to bring you back. Often I wonder what shade of crayola your eyes are today, or if you're sketching out on sidewalks the way you always did. I know that it's because of you that the...
READ MORE - Chipping away at my faltering heart.

Blinded by your lies, I never saw your all.

MARTINA Pope stood at the top of the roof, her eyes were unconsciously drawn to the city lights beneath her. This was the exact place where Hayley threw herself off on the night before her wedding day. Hayley had been too selfish. Didn't they both agreed to run away on the twenty-first, twenty-first of July?A lil' editing & there I have it.. Hayley oh Hayley. Ma Hayley.I've told myself I'd never think of suicide. But I did one night. It is true. Maybe I can live aga...
READ MORE - Blinded by your lies, I never saw your all.

Pretend life is a fairytale.

This 's when my craziness strikes.Everyone is smiling & happy music is playing in the background & there's only going to be sunny days.Everyone is saying, here's your happy ever after, it's all yours now.Everyone is happy -Well, except for you, 'cuse right now you're pretending you don't exist.I don't want to be me anymore. Disguise the imperfections, j-j-just let me fit ...
READ MORE - Pretend life is a fairytale.

The beating now lulls me to sleep.

I wish I was a punk rocker with flowers in my hair.My mother questioned my sanity today when she saw purple lines running up my arm. I told her how they are "For Somebody". I walked twenty blocks tonight thinking 'bout how that might not be all that conducive, I wanted to die & escape the pain. My heart screams when I'm not with my best friend I miss the laughter I miss the smiling. Thse black words against the white broke me hard. You've left your scent in my skin. Inhale, you.Count this fiction...
READ MORE - The beating now lulls me to sleep.

I would pluck out my eyes so the last thing I see is you.

http://naked-mannequins.blogspot.com'm not going away ; this 's just for pleasure or whatever you'd call ...
READ MORE - I would pluck out my eyes so the last thing I see is you.

Your skin was the colour of unbroken snow.

I am in love with your uneven cuticles.Underneath it, I imagine the deepest blue to run around, nothing else, apart from behind your chest bone -where a tiny tiny red heart sits.I scratched my name beside it three years ago - but you do not remember details like that.I'm melted. Literally a puddle of love on the floor now. ♥ Times like this I'd rather be dead. My life's a curse. I find studying for midterms' ridiculous.People don't want us to be us, so they force us to be the person they want to...
READ MORE - Your skin was the colour of unbroken snow.

Swollen with crystalline tears for which I had no room left.

There's something wrong with this night. There is a calling deep inside.It is a funny thing how hearts can be so fragile, & eyes can be so empty.How without heart, & eyes& skin & bones,All we are -Ghosts & pretty lights.But this sad story is way overd...
READ MORE - Swollen with crystalline tears for which I had no room left.

Candle shops & sidewalk stops.

Once you asked me if I spoke in miracles& once I asked you if you read time like youcould read me.I never believed anyone else when they toldme that the real world is real & that fairies &mermaids & dragons are fake 'cuseyou knew, somehow, that lying was easier thantelling the truth, even if they were our ownexcuses for sincerity.Somehow, you knew that truth would affect me more.I never wasted time trying to convince you thatyou were right, but you knew when you were wrong.Then,...
READ MORE - Candle shops & sidewalk stops.