Am I like a damaged artifact that isn't worth preserving.

I'm as happy as a kid today.She got me speedin’ in the fast lane Pedal to the floor mayne, tryna get back to her love Best believe she got that good thang She my little hood thang, ask around they know us.I'm. Bored. ( Click if you're as bored as me...
READ MORE - Am I like a damaged artifact that isn't worth preserving.

Opening more avenues filled with visions of you.

Hey Edward Cullen,What's it like to be a vampire? Oh god how I wish you were real. I'll gladly be your meal. Now I'm waiting in Forks High School. Asked some guy to run me over with his van. Waiting for your helping hand. Alice came to visit me, she dressed me up for prom you see. I broke my leg so I could have a cast. I finally got a date today. Oh Edward please bite me. Oh Edward marry me. This is so funny. haha...
READ MORE - Opening more avenues filled with visions of you.

If I told you I'd die tomorrow.

I'm feeling terribly low. I need to ventilate. Fuck up those crash-ness for life. Tell me how to end all these misery? You know you've done something wrong, when you go to bed, you cannot close your eyes, because you dread, all those things that have been done, they race through your head, & you wonder if, your wrongs will be pardoned. You know you've done something wrong, because you fear all those disappointment, you made your parents weep. All you want to tell them, & simply just beseech,"Please...
READ MORE - If I told you I'd die tomorrow.

Carrying it through teenage wasteland.

a onblur="try {pOkay admit it, I have too much free time on my hands. Really, seriously. haha But it ain't really a bad thing either. I can daydream & boom, time passes in a blink of an eye. I don't understand why boredom always have a way of knocking on my door & enter into my house to drop me a visit even when I don't want it to. Okay, Boredom, with a big fat B, is my new best friend. heehee Listening to Lifehouse's songs on ear buds is like having Jason Wade singing into my ear. Aww...
READ MORE - Carrying it through teenage wasteland.

& It’s gone before I have even begun.

A phrasing that's a single tear, Is harder than I ever feared. And you were left feeling so alone. Because these days aren't easy, Like they have been once before, These days aren't easy anymore.Why do you do this to me? Why do you do this so easily? You make it hard to smile because, You make it hard to breathe.Why do you do this to me? To me, to me, to ...
READ MORE - & It’s gone before I have even begun.

While your hands bleed on the melody you rape.

Take 1.Take 2. 3, 4, & 5."Haaaallelujah" Throw the emotional & dreary feeling out the window today. Bad emotions are gone, today is the day to make it all go your way. I like that happy feeling, I should stick to it like glue. We could be happy, if we would just try. What is causing us so much pain, tht we'd want our life to end? It's not often I have to confess. How can they make that assumption?...
READ MORE - While your hands bleed on the melody you rape.

Adrenaline coarses into my hands.

This is going to be up all over my walls by tmr. Right now I feel ready to kill. I won't listen to your unholy stupid words again. You're not the one to take my life to hell. You can no longer control me. I won't be a puppet. I hope you see the anger in me. I hate you a lil', mom, I kind of hate you right now. You make me feel so sour & irritated. There's a knot in my stomach. My throat feels like it's going to explode. I've got the urge to throw things at you. The rage is making me insane....
READ MORE - Adrenaline coarses into my hands.

But I can't find the words to get it all said.

I feel as though my mind is slowly being erraticated, all I want to do everyday is just to lay down & think. I am being such a loser, I want to just let my soul drift towards the sky. But I know it's not my time quite yet, I've still got plenty of things ahead unaccomplished. Nothing of that sort, you know I'm only too lazy to live. I hate rainy days it spoils my mood.We both know you’re telling me thingsYouReallyShouldn’tSay. ...
READ MORE - But I can't find the words to get it all said.

Plastic laughter rang into the ears of everyone on that street.

Thse kids down the block are so noisy I can't have my beauty nap all I can hear is the ringing of their dumb & stupid bike bells.What the heck with the lil' boys they couldn't stop ringing their bells like non stop hits, only this is more like non stop bike bells ringing. Halloween at Night Safari last night, scare the shit outta me but I spend almost half of my time on the tram shutting my eyes away. haha Everyone could've heard my heart racing like fire burning through the skin. Hey thanks...
READ MORE - Plastic laughter rang into the ears of everyone on that street.