Blog Archive

Parabolic ♥s mocking the shapes of the anatomical vessel tucked inside of chests.

I run barefoot through abandoned houses & across broken bridges & down steep slopes & across the shores of a thousand dead seas & up the path of a hundred corroded forests. I cry behind tree stumps & laugh beside dead animals, pray alongside earthquakes & ride the wind with the butterflies that are screaming, because they know their existence is pointless. I am the boy that dashes across front yards, trips down unslanted hills, & ties ribbons to my fingers & scurry them on top of hills, to portray images of myself controlling the world. I step across ant piles, & run my fingers through cold water creeks, & lay in dead corn fields & converse with mice, & hunt with grasshoppers, & scream with snakes, & laugh with myself. I have become crooked teeth from falling over invisible dead deer, & I have become broken limbs from trying to jump off cliffs to reach for the stars.