Don't worry ladies, we're still gentlemen under these fierce skins.

With your pearl hands & porcelain arms, thoughts ajar, poised to cajole the night not to black out the ambience of pinks & tangerines that tease the glass frames of my sliding doors, you'd step out to where there should be a veranda to meet on - but your feet would kiss only empty space. It’s still tempting now to leave the curtains open & hoard the dying shafts of halcyon sun setting syrupy, but bright clouds fade ; & our careful blades of silver, wrought to shred cold logic into blithe ribbons, can’t turn water to wine, can’t paint gold rainbows on hidden canvasses. & if we ever stopped, just to look, just to see what’s passing us by, we’d see just how much we’re missing out on. The thing is that we look past humanity until people are nothing but faces & figures & feelings. What we don’t realize is that we’re all humans, nothing, but, humans, who complicate enigmas & flummox ourselves. What we don’t realize is how simple we really are. We’re nothing but humans.